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Zeovit Bio-Mate 10ML :: Вiдгуки

Цiна$21.40excl. TAX
Розпродаж$16.05excl. TAX
Економiя$5.35 (25%)
Бонусні очки$0.08
Bio-Mate is a special engineered bacterial strain that helps breakdown the decomposing substances commonly referred to as mulm. Mulm appears as a greyish-brown debris material that settles throughout the tank. Bio-Mate can actively clean your Live Rock and substrate by introducing and colonizing this special strain of bacteria in your system.

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Zeovit Bio-Mate 10ML
Цiна$21.40excl. TAX
Розпродаж$16.05excl. TAX
Економiя$5.35 (25%)