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Hang On ATS Algae Turf Scrubber ATS80 :: Вiдгуки

Цiна$139.10excl. TAX
Розпродаж$117.70excl. TAX
Економiя$21.40 (15%)
Бонусні очки$0.59
Вага0.1 kg
Hang On LED ATS system Feature

  • World Smallest Hangon  ATS System
  • 12W High Power Refugium Red Intensive LED
  • Super Wider Output Water Outlet to  prvent overflow
  • WaterFall ATS can increase the Oxygen 
  • The Frame Eggcrate can make faster growth ATS
  •  7 to 14 days for Growth
  • External Design to Tank Spacer Saver

  • 12  x 7.5 x 15cm
  • 12W Semi Red LED
  • Suitable for Below 150Litres Tank Use
  • Inlet Connection Pipe 12mm

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Gobin Гість on 27 Кві 2019, 1:32 PM
Super poduit, beautiful construction.When the delivery deadline, ordered on March 18, received this April 20. Almost 1 month. In addition exorbitant customs fees 47 € for a product bought 97 €. It's depressing. To reflect on next order.Attention no pump supplied, it is only on presentation of the filter.I repeat the magnificent construction. Have a good day
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Щойно переглянуто
Hang On ATS Algae Turf Scrubber ATS80
Цiна$139.10excl. TAX
Розпродаж$117.70excl. TAX
Економiя$21.40 (15%)