This is my favorite diffucer because you can count the bubbles and it has a glass non return valve built in. Also has a reasonable sized ceramic disk. Helps to fill the diffuser with water first so you can see the bubbles through the spiral.
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Raymond on11 Лют 2011, 7:07 PM
looks good and works well
This is a good looking diffuser in the aquarium and I like the fact that is has a built in glass check valve which is not unsightly.
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Raymond on11 Вер 2010, 9:01 AM
Great bubble distribution
I have this connected to a DIY 5 liter system in a 48 galling tank. I am getting maximum absorbtion through the fine bubbles and my plants are doing great.
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nicholas on17 Сер 2010, 4:15 AM
Great diffuser
The diffuser works very well with a DIY CO2 system, very small bubbles. I have a 20 gallon long aquarium and my plants seem to be very happy with this diffuser.
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Damir on12 Чер 2010, 2:42 PM
Excellent diffuser
Excellent diffuser for DIY CO2 systems. One or two hours after i connected my yeast CO2 system it start to release made many small co2 bubbles.
It's made from enough strong glass.
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