keeps my turtles tank clean
for its size and its price is very good pruduct
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Terje Гістьon24 Бер 2013, 9:09 AM
Et gaat filter til smaa avarier , med raa ytelse.
Et gaat filter til smaa avarier , med raa ytelse.
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Daniel on13 Бер 2013, 1:08 AM
Really moves the water
Moves a lot of water for it's size. Not sure how well it acts as a filter (just sponge), but in terms of water flow, this thing really packs a punch. Generates a lot of water movement in a 2 foot ~26L tank. I didn't find it very noisy.
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Alvydas Гістьon25 Тра 2010, 6:17 PM
The filter is powerful, unfortunately it is noisy.
The filter is powerful, unfortunately it is noisy.
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Hugo Гістьon31 Бер 2010, 3:41 AM
looks like fragile and weak becouse of its little size, but it's a very well made pump that really help to flow the water of the tank. The sponge stores dirt and waste of food, enough to clean the sponge occasionally, I really reccomend this item.
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